Happy New Year!

Dear customers, partners and our dear friends!
In this new year, I would like to sincerely thank you for your attention to US, interest in what we do and of course for your endless trust!
We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year 2018!
New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new beginnings. The outgoing year was full of important events and achievements.
Our cooperation made it possible to overcome many difficulties and maintain stability and reliability of relations.
Let the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success and realize all the tasks!
I would like to wish you that you were always surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, respect of colleagues and friends, and a great mood and spiritual uplift always accompanied your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on the new year 2018!
Yours Sincerely,,
The Team Of The Production Company "Russian Truck"!
