Finish!!! Top 10!
The final stage of the marathon rally "Silk Road-2017" was held in a "reduced" form – due to prolonged torrential rains, the organizers were forced to cancel a special stage with a length of 100.67 km. Thus, today turned into a road trip – almost seven hundred kilometers from Zhongwei to Xi'an, where the closing ceremony of the competition and the awarding of the winners of the race took place.
Komande Maz-Sportavto has something to be proud of – the crews in full force overcame the entire distance (more than nine thousand kilometers, including more than 3700 km of special stages) and finished in the top 10!
It was assumed that the final special stage would be held in a mountainous area, on a narrow, cramped and winding route, which would periodically enter small Gorges. However, recent torrential rains could become a real threat to many participants and spoil the final part of the race – on washed-out roads with gravel-dirt pavement, one small landslide is enough to block the track and stop almost half of the racing caravan.… Perhaps, relatively light cars in which case could slip, but if a multi-ton truck "slides" with a piece of the track, then freeing the way and evacuating a stuck (or overturned) truck can turn into hell's work.
Thus, yesterday's stage finally determined the results of the Silk Road 2017 rally in all competitions. In the cargo category, KAMAZ-master became the absolute winner, completely occupying the entire podium.
The MAZ-Sportavto team completed the marathon in the top 10-the best was the crew led by Sergey Vyazovich (fifth place), followed by the crew Alexey Vishnevsky and the crew Alexander Vasilevsky, who won the seventh and eighth positions. As a result, Maz-Sportauto improved on last year's performance when it finished the race in sixth, ninth and tenth places.
An interesting fact is that Maz-Sportavto was the only team in the cargo standings, which completely overcame the entire distance (without gatherings and missed special stages).